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롤플레이 훈련유닛 1 On the Ground [Exercise 4]

by ₯₺﷼₳ 2022. 9. 25.

4.1 Listen to the radiotelophony dialogue between a pilot of HL123 and an air traffic controller of Tower.

Exercise Ⅳ

전체 대화를 듣고 내용을 파악한 후, 문장별 음원을 들으며 따라읽기 연습을 해 보세요.


ATC HL123, what is your stand number? 


HL123 Our stand number is 203 in concourse A, HL123. 


HL123 Tower, HL123, there are two lead-in lines on the apron. 


Tell me which line to follow. 


ATC HL123, Tower, keep to the right-hand side. 


There will be traffic pushing-back opposite direction next to you. 


ATC HL123, Tower, the centerline has been repaved recently, wingtip clearance is not assured, take care when taxiing-in. 


HL123 Tower, sure we will be careful when taxiing in……er? 


HL123 Tower, we heard a rattling sound as we passed by. 


I think the left aircraft has just brushed our left wing-tip, HL123. 


ATC HL234, Tower, stop push-back, hold your position. 


Your right winglet struck HL123's left winglet. 


ATC HL234, HL123 reported your right wing just clipped HL123's left wing tip. 


HL234 HL234 Roger, our ground crew is inspecting the damage now.


ATC HL234, roger. 


HL234 Tower, HL234, request permission to tow back in to the gate for further inspection. 


ATC HL234, Tower, approved, please report any resulting damage. 


HL234 Wilco,HL234. 


ATC HL123, tower, are you able to continue taxi, or do you need a tow truck? 


HL123 Stand by, HL123, we're still trying to figure out the situation. 


ATC HL123, Tower, roger that.


