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ATC 듣기 연습 Cabin Pressure Problem (TSC715) 전체 음원 듣기 분할 파일 1 분할 파일 2 분할 파일 3 분할 파일 4  분할 파일 5 분할 파일 6 분할 파일 7 분할 파일 8 음원 출처: liveatc.net FAA Written Test - What is FAA Part 61? FAA Written Test - What is FAA Part 61?Navigating the Skies: A Guide to FAA FAR Part 61 for Aspiring Pilots So you've caught the flying bug and dream of soaring through the clouds with your pilot's license in hand. But before you strap into the cockpit, there's one.. 2024. 7. 29.
EPTA 시험대비! 조종사가 자주 쓰는 101문장 EPTA 시험을 준비하시는 분들을 위해 조종사가 자주 사용하는 문장들을 정리해 보았습니다. 공부에 도움이 되시기를 바랍니다. We want the emergency services to standby. 응급 서비스를 대기시켜 주세요. We want the fire service and an ambulance. 소방차와 엠뷸런스를 원합니다. We have completed the evacuation. 비상대피를 완료했습니다. Control, HL123, we're going to go-around. 컨트롤, HL123, 우리는 복행하겠습니다. We went around due to an inaccurate altitude information. 고도 정보가 정확하지 않았기 때문에 복행합니다. We made.. 2023. 2. 7.
AFH Chapter 4-26 PARE Explained Spin Recovery Template The following discussion explains each of the six steps: 1. Reduce the Power (Throttle) to Idle. Power aggravates spin characteristics. It can result in a flatter spin attitude and usually increases the rate of rotation. 2. Position the Ailerons to Neutral. Ailerons may have an adverse effect on spin recovery. Aileron control in the direction of the spin may accelerate the.. 2022. 10. 15.
롤플레이 훈련유닛 6 Human Factor [Exercise 3] Unit 6 Human Factor ExerciseⅢ 운항 승무원(조종사)과 객실 승무원의 다음 대화를 듣고 내용을 파악한 뒤 문장별 음원을 들으며 발음과 억양 연습을 해 보세요. Purser Captain, this is your purser. I have an urgent matter that I need to discuss with you. Captain What can I do for you? Purser I am afraid that we have a situation. One of our passengers is having a medical issue. Captain What happened? Purser This passenger is a male in his 70s. He finished.. 2022. 10. 13.
롤플레이 훈련유닛 6 Human Factor [Exercise 2] Unit 6 Human Factor ExerciseⅡ 전체 대화를 먼저 듣고 내용을 파악한 뒤, 문장별 음원을 들으며 발음과 억양 연습을 해 보세요. 1) HL123 Approach, HL123, request to cancel approach and make a holding pattern at my present position. I am afraid my co-pilot has lost consciousness. ATC(APP) HL123, approved as requested. Let me know more details when you can. 2) HL123 Approach, HL123, I am now declaring an emergency. It seems that I need to l.. 2022. 10. 13.
롤플레이 훈련유닛 6 Human Factor [Exercise 1] Unit 6 Human Factor ExerciseⅠ 전체 대화를 먼저 듣고 내용을 파악해 본 뒤 문장별 음원을 들으며 발음과 억양을 따라해 보세요, ATC HL123, Chicago Ground. Confirm you are ready for departure. HL123 Er... negative. I have a bit of a problem and it will take a while, HL123. ATC HL123, did you say a problem? HL123 Tower, HL123. My captain is suffering from moderate abdominal pain. I need to stop right away and delay our departure. ATC HL123,.. 2022. 10. 13.
롤플레이 훈련유닛 5 Environment [Exercise 4] Unit 5 Environment ExerciseⅣ 같은 상황을 다른 식으로 표현하는 문장들을 잘 들어보고 따라 읽으며 문장 구조를 입에 익혀 봅시다. 1) Pilot Tower, HL123, are those cones supposed to be on the runway? 2) Pilot Tower, HL123, unable to continue taxi due to cones on the active runway. 3) Pilot Tower, HL123, please send some vehicles out to check the runway. There are cones blocking our way. 4) Pilot Tower, HL123, we're going to hold short of th.. 2022. 10. 6.
롤플레이 훈련유닛 5 Environment [Exercise 3] Unit 5 Environment ExerciseⅢ 전체 대화를 먼저 듣고 내용을 파악해 보세요. 그 후에, 문장별로 발음과 억양을 연습하세요. ATC HL123, good morning, information Bravo is current, turn right heading 360, descend and maintain 6000, expect ILS approach runway 32 right. HL123 Right turn heading 360, descend and maintain 6000, expecting ILS 32R, HL123. ATC HL123, traffic at your 12 o'clock, 20 miles, altitude about 4500, heading your directio.. 2022. 10. 6.
롤플레이 훈련유닛 5 Environment [Exercise 2] Unit 5 Environment ExerciseⅡ 전체 대화를 먼저 듣고 내용을 파악한 후, 문장별 음원을 들으며 발음과 억양을 연습해 보세요. 1) HL123 Approach, HL123, have other pilots reported glideslope signal problems? ATC Negative, HL123, you're the first arrival of the day. Is there a problem? HL123 We're getting severe glideslope fluctuation. Unable to continue with ILS approach. Reverting to localizer approach, runway 32 right, HL123. ATC HL123, .. 2022. 10. 6.