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롤플레이 훈련유닛 6 Human Factor [Exercise 3]

by ₯₺﷼₳ 2022. 10. 13.

Unit 6 Human Factor


운항 승무원(조종사)과 객실 승무원의 다음 대화를 듣고 내용을 파악한 뒤 문장별 음원을 들으며 발음과 억양 연습을 해 보세요.


Purser Captain, this is your purser. I have an urgent matter that I need to discuss with you. 


Captain What can I do for you? 


Purser I am afraid that we have a situation. 


One of our passengers is having a medical issue. 


Captain What happened? 


Purser This passenger is a male in his 70s. 


He finished his dinner about an hour ago and I thought he was taking a nap after his meal until one of my cabin crew, during her walk around, suspected and reported that the passenger was in grave pain. 


Captain How bad does he look? 


What kind of pain does he have? 


What are the symptoms? 


Purser She reported and I personally confirmed that this passenger was sweating and groaning, and most importantly, he was not able to answer any of our questions I checked his body temperature, and I can say he is suffering from a high fever, nothing like I have seen before.


Captain Have you done anything else besides checking his body temperature?


I can see that you have already adjusted the cabin temperature.


Have you tried to page for any medical personnel among the passengers on board?


Purser My colleague is paging for a doctor or nurse on board as we speak.


I will let you know as soon as we find any assistance.


As you noticed, I have adjusted the cabin temperature in hopes that it will help a little with his fever until we find some help, but I am afraid his fever is quite serious.


Captain Okay. Keep me posted.


Purser Sure. By the way, how far are we from the closest airport, just in case.


Captain Considering our current position, Anchorage is the closest which is about an hour and twenty minutes away.


Purser Captain, I have good news and bad news.


The good news is that we found a nurse among the passengers, who was willing to help, but the bad news is that the nurse thinks the passenger's pulse is so low even with a high dose of medication.


Captain What is her recommendation?


Purser She recommends that we divert to the nearest airport if we want to save the man.


Captain Understood. I will see what I can do.


Let me get back to you as soon as I can.


Purser Thank you, captain. Appreciated.

