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AFH Chapter 4-26 PARE Explained

by ₯₺﷼₳ 2022. 10. 15.

Spin Recovery Template


The following discussion explains each of the six steps:


1. Reduce the Power (Throttle) to Idle. Power aggravates spin characteristics.


It can result in a flatter spin attitude and usually increases the rate of rotation.


2. Position the Ailerons to Neutral.


Ailerons may have an adverse effect on spin recovery.


Aileron control in the direction of the spin may accelerate the rate of rotation, steepen the spin attitude and delay the recovery.


Aileron control opposite the direction of the spin may cause flattening of the spin attitude and delayed recovery; or may even be responsible for causing an unrecoverable spin.


The best procedure is to ensure that the ailerons are neutral.


3. Apply Full Opposite Rudder against the Rotation.


Apply and hold full opposite rudder until rotation stops.


Rudder tends to be the most important control for recovery in typical, single-engine airplanes, and its application should be brisk and full opposite to the direction of rotation.


Avoid slow and overly cautious opposite rudder movement during spin recovery, which can allow the airplane to spin indefinitely, even with anti-spin inputs.


A brisk and positive technique results in a more positive spin recovery.


4. Apply Positive, Brisk, and Straight Forward Elevator (Forward of Neutral).


This step should be taken immediately after full rudder application.


Do not wait for the rotation to stop before performing this step.


The forceful movement of the elevator decreases the AOA and drives the airplane toward unstalled flight.


In some cases, full forward elevator may be required for recovery.


Hold the controls firmly in these positions until the spinning stops.


(Note: If the airspeed is increasing, the airplane is no longer in a spin.


In a spin, the airplane is stalled, and the indicated airspeed should therefore be relatively low and constant and not be accelerating.)


5. Neutralize the Rudder After Spin Rotation Stops.


Failure to neutralize the rudder at this time, when airspeed is increasing, causes a yawing or sideslipping effect.


6. Apply Back Elevator Pressure to Return to Level Flight.


Be careful not to apply excessive back elevator pressure after the rotation stops and the rudder has been neutralized.


Excessive back elevator pressure can cause a secondary stall and may result in another spin.


The pilot must also avoid exceeding the G-load limits and airspeed limitations during the pull out.


Again, it is important to remember that the spin recovery procedures and techniques described above are recommended for use only in the absence of the manufacturer’s procedures.


The pilot must always be familiar with the manufacturer’s procedures for spin recovery.

