UNIT 4 Technical Issues
전체 대화를 먼저 듣고 상황을 파악해 보세요. 그 후에, 문장별 분할 음원을 들으며 억양과 발음 연습을 합니다.
ATC HL123, Say reason for go-around.
HL123 DE Approach, HL123. We have a right main gear unsafe indication.
Request radar vectors for ILS runway 04 right and low pass to confirm wheels are down.
ATC HL123, roger. Turn left direct to Riverfront, descend to 3000 and cleared for ILS approach runway 04 right. Report established.
HL123 Left turn direct to Riverfront, descending 3000 ft and cleared ILS approach runway 04 right.
We'll call once established, HL123.
HL123 Approach, HL123. We are currently established on the localizer.
ATC HL123, contact DE Tower 126.2.
HL123 Contact DE Tower 126.2, HL123
HL123 DE tower, HL123. 8 miles on final runway 04 right. Request cloud base.
ATC HL123, DE Tower. Cloud base at 1000. Say intentions?
HL123 Once we have leveled off at 500 ft we will request a visual check from Tower to check if all wheels are completely down and locked, HL123.
ATC HL123, roger. Continue approach and report when reaching 500 ft.
HL123 Tower, HL123. Now maintaining 500 ft.
ATC HL123, your right main gear does not appear completely down. Say intentions.
HL123 We are currently running on minimum fuel and need to land immediately.
Request a visual circuit and immediate landing for runway 04 right, HL123.
ATC HL123, roger. Confirm you are declaring an emergency?
HL123 That is correct. Mayday, mayday, mayday. HL123 is declaring an emergency.
ATC HL123, I copy your emergency.
Climb and maintain 1500 ft and once you are ready, make a right-hand circuit for visual approach to runway 04 right.
HL123 Climb 1500 ft and cleared visual approach to runway 04 right. Right hand pattern. HL123
ATC HL123, extend downwind at your discretion and report turning base.
'ATC&EPTA' 카테고리의 다른 글
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