반응형 원서해석3 PHAK Chapter 6-21 Antiservo Tabs Antiservo Tabs Antiservo tabs work in the same manner as balance tabs except, instead of moving in the opposite direction, they move in the same direction as the trailing edge of the stabilator. In addition to decreasing the sensitivity of the stabilator, an antiservo tab also functions as a trim device to relieve control pressure and maintain the stabilator in the desired position. The fixed en.. 2021. 8. 21. PHAK Chapter 6-6 Differential Ailerons Differential Ailerons With differential ailerons, one aileron is raised a greater distance than the other aileron and is lowered for a given movement of the control wheel or control stick. This produces an increase in drag on the descending wing. The greater drag results from deflecting the up aileron on the descending wing to a greater angle than the down aileron on the rising wing. While adver.. 2021. 8. 6. AFH Chapter 4-7 Performing the Slow Flight Maneuver Performing the Slow Flight Maneuver Slow flight should be practiced in straight-and-level flight, straight-ahead climbs and climbing medium-banked (approximately 20 degrees) turns, and straight-ahead poweroff gliding descents and descending turns to represent the takeoff and landing phases of flight. Slow flight training should include slowing the airplane smoothly and promptly from cruising to .. 2021. 7. 26. 이전 1 다음 반응형