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롤플레이 훈련유닛 2 Operational Issues [Exercise 3]

by ₯₺﷼₳ 2022. 9. 26.

Operational Issues


전체 대화를 먼저 듣고 내용을 파악해 보세요. 그리고 문장별 파일을 여러번 반복해서 따라 읽으면서 연습하세요.


HL123 Control, HL123, we have a problem with a passenger. 


We're looking for a diversion for immediate arrival. 


ATC HL123, control, confirm you're requesting to divert? 


HL123 Affirm. That's correct, HL123 


ATC HL123, expect а visual approach for runway 09, Wind 220 at 9 knots. 


HL123 Expecting visual approach for runway 09, HL123. 


ATC HL123, do you need law enforcement at arrival? 


HL123 Affirm. The cockpit is secure and currently we have around five people holding him down. 


Two passengers were injured and need medical care on arrival, HL123. 


ATC HL123, roger, you are number one, speed at your discretion. 


HL123 Say again wind? HL123. 


ATC HL123, Wind 220 at 9 knots. 


HL123 Control, we're too heavy, unable runway 09. Request runway 22, HL123. 


ATC HL123 Roger, Turn left heading 020, vectors for ILS runway 22.

