반응형 epta8 EPTA 시험대비! 조종사가 자주 쓰는 101문장 EPTA 시험을 준비하시는 분들을 위해 조종사가 자주 사용하는 문장들을 정리해 보았습니다. 공부에 도움이 되시기를 바랍니다. We want the emergency services to standby. 응급 서비스를 대기시켜 주세요. We want the fire service and an ambulance. 소방차와 엠뷸런스를 원합니다. We have completed the evacuation. 비상대피를 완료했습니다. Control, HL123, we're going to go-around. 컨트롤, HL123, 우리는 복행하겠습니다. We went around due to an inaccurate altitude information. 고도 정보가 정확하지 않았기 때문에 복행합니다. We made.. 2023. 2. 7. EPTA 표준교재 Part 1 Task B 연습문제 A 44페이지 연습문제 A: Listen to six audio clips regarding RT situations and complete each of the dialogues with the information that you heard. The first line of each audio clip is given for you. Audio clip 1 전체음원 듣기 문장별 음원 들으면서 발음 연습하기 HL123 is cleared to taxi to the holding position of runway 07. While taxiing, the controller asks HL123 to take off at the intersection of runway 07 via Bravo 3 due to t.. 2022. 3. 1. EPTA 표준교재 Part 1 Task B 예제풀이 EPTA 표준교재 36 ~ 42 페이지 During an enroute phase of the flight, ATC is giving you holding instructions for time separation. Now ATC contacts you, respond accordingly. ATC: HL123, hold over Doosan VOR as published, expect further clearance at 20 You are holding short of runway 09. Acknowledge what you hear. ATC: HL123, behind the landing traffic, runway 09, line up and wait. During climb, you are ap.. 2022. 2. 24. ATIS 연습 2 ATIS 연습 2차 RKSO not available RKTU 20200114 저시정 2021. 5. 5. ATIS 연습 1 ATIS 연습 1차 RKTU Information D RKTU Information M 김포 Information S Pitt Meadows Information A Provo Information Y 2021. 5. 4. EPTA Part 1 Task A-D 연습문제 mp3 Page 32 Part 1 Task A-D Listen to the short RT dialogues and answer the following questions. 1. HL908 has received a Line-up clearance. (T/F) 2. HL908 can line up runway 27 now. (T/F) 3. HL229 is following Airbus 320. (T/F) 4. The current wind speed as reported by the Tower controller is 4 knots. (T/F) 2021. 3. 31. EPTA Part 1 Task A-B 연습문제 mp3 Listen Listen to the three statements with regards to ATC instructions and say if it is True or False as an airline pilot. HL123 is maintaining 10,000' and heading 210, 20nm before PORIA 1 (True of False) 2 (True of False) 3 (True of False) 2021. 3. 29. EPTA Part 1 Task A-A 연습문제 mp3 A. Listen and Repeat 표준교재 30페이지 Listen to the ATC instructions and respond accordingly as a pilot. 1) HL123 Cross PARTY at FL230 2) HL123 HAN center 132.6 3) HL123 speed 250 knots 4) HL123 Descend FL210 5) HL123 Direct LAP, descend FL190 6) HL123 HAN Approach 127.4 7) HL429 Reduce Speed to 210 knots 8) HL429 Reduce speed to 180 knots 9) HL429 Turn left heading 340, maintain 3000 until establish .. 2021. 3. 27. 이전 1 다음 반응형