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Airplane Flying Handbook_old30

AFH Chapter 4-31 Human Factors Human Factors VMC to IMC Unfortunately, accident reports indicate that continued VFR flight from visual meteorological conditions (VMC) into marginal VMC and IMC is a factor contributing to LOC I. A loss of the natural horizon substantially increases the chances of encountering vertigo or spatial disorientation, which can lead to upset. IMC When operating in IMC, maintain awareness of conditions.. 2022. 10. 15.
AFH Chapter 4-30 Environmental Factors Environmental Factors Turbulence, or a large variation in wind velocity over a short distance, can cause upset and LOC-I. Maintain awareness of conditions that can lead to various types of turbulence, such as clear air turbulence, mountain waves, wind shear, and thunderstorms or microbursts. In addition to environmentally-induced turbulence, wake turbulence from other aircraft can lead to upset .. 2022. 10. 15.
AFH Chapter 4-29 Upset Prevention and Recovery Upset Prevention and Recovery Unusual Attitudes Versus Upsets An unusual attitude is commonly referenced as an unintended or unexpected attitude in instrument flight. These unusual attitudes are introduced to a pilot during student pilot training as part of basic attitude instrument flying and continue to be trained and tested as part of certification for an instrument rating, aircraft type rati.. 2022. 10. 15.
AFH Chapter 4-28 Weight and Balance Requirements Related to Spins Weight and Balance Requirements Related to Spins In airplanes that are approved for spins, compliance with weight and balance requirements is important for safe performance and recovery from the spin maneuver. Pilots must be aware that even minor weight or balance changes can affect the airplane’s spin recovery characteristics. Such changes can either degrade or enhance the spin maneuver and/or .. 2022. 10. 15.
AFH Chapter 4-27 Intentional Spins Intentional Spins If the manufacturer does not specifically approve an airplane for spins, intentional spins are not authorized by the CFRs or by this handbook. The official sources for determining whether the spin maneuver is approved are: • Type Certificate Data Sheets or the Aircraft Specifications • The limitation section of the FAA-approved AFM/ POH. The limitation section may provide addit.. 2022. 10. 15.
AFH Chapter 4-25 Spin Procedures: Entry-Incipient-Developed-Recovery Entry Phase In the entry phase, the pilot intentionally or accidentally provides the necessary elements for the spin. The entry procedure for demonstrating a spin is similar to a power-off stall. During the entry, the pilot should slowly reduce power to idle, while simultaneously raising the nose to a pitch attitude that ensures a stall. As the airplane approaches a stall, smoothly apply full ru.. 2022. 10. 14.
AFH Chapter 4-24 Spin Procedures Spin Procedures The first rule for spin demonstration is to ensure that the airplane is approved for spins. Please note that this discussion addresses generic spin procedures; it does not cover special spin procedures or techniques required for a particular airplane. Safety dictates careful review of the AFM/POH and regulations before attempting spins in any airplane. The review should include t.. 2022. 10. 14.
AFH Chapter 4-23 Spin Awareness Spin Awareness A spin is an aggravated stall that typically occurs from a full stall occurring with the airplane in a yawed state and results in the airplane following a downward corkscrew path. As the airplane rotates around a vertical axis, the outboard wing is less stalled than the inboard wing, which creates a rolling, yawing, and pitching motion. The airplane is basically descending due to .. 2022. 10. 14.
AFH Chapter 4-22 Common Errors Common Errors Common errors in the performance of intentional stalls are: • Failure to adequately clear the area • Over-reliance on the airspeed indicator and slip-skid indicator while excluding other cues • Inadvertent accelerated stall by pulling too fast on the controls during a power-off or power on stall entry • Inability to recognize an impending stall condition • Failure to take timely ac.. 2022. 10. 14.