Airman Certification Standards (ACS) and Practical Test Standards (PTS)
Practical tests for FAA pilot certificates and associated ratings are administered by FAA inspectors and DPEs using FAA Airman Certification Standards (ACS) and Practical Test Standards (PTS), which contain structured areas of operation, tasks, and standards. [Figure 1-9]
14 CFR part 61, section 61.43 specifies that the practical test consists of the tasks specified in the areas of operation for the airman certificate or rating sought.
To pass the test, the applicant demonstrates mastery of the aircraft performing each task successfully, proficiency and competency within the approved standards, and sound judgment.
It should be emphasized that the ACS and PTS are testing documents rather than teaching documents.
Although the pilot applicant should be familiar with these books and refer to the standards they contain during training, the ACS and PTS are not intended to be used as a training syllabus.
They contain the standards to which maneuvers/procedures on FAA practical tests should be performed and the FAA policies governing the administration of practical tests.
An appropriately rated flight instructor is responsible for training a pilot applicant to acceptable standards in all subject matter areas, procedures, and maneuvers included in, and encompassed by, the tasks within each area of operation in the appropriate ACS and PTS.
Flight instructors and pilot applicants should always remember that safe, competent piloting requires a commitment to learning, planning, and risk management that goes beyond rote performance of maneuvers.
Descriptions of tasks and information on how to perform maneuvers and procedures are contained in reference and teaching documents, such as this handbook.
A list of reference documents is contained in the appendices of each ACS and PTS.
It is necessary that the latest version of the PTS and ACS, with all recent changes, be referenced for training.
All recent versions and changes to the FAA ACS and PTS may be viewed or downloaded at
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