반응형 Stall6 AFH Chapter 4-19 Accelerated Stalls Accelerated Stalls The objectives of demonstrating an accelerated stall are to determine the stall characteristics of the airplane, experience stalls at speeds greater than the +1G stall speed, and develop the ability to instinctively recover at the onset of such stalls. This is a maneuver only commercial pilot and flight instructor applicants may be required to perform or demonstrate on a pract.. 2021. 12. 30. AFH Chapter 4-13 Fundamentals of Stall Recovery Fundamentals of Stall Recovery Depending on the complexity of the airplane, stall recovery could consist of as many as six steps. Even so, the pilot should remember the most important action to an impending stall or a full stall is to reduce the AOA. There have been numerous situations where pilots did not first reduce AOA, and instead prioritized power and maintaining altitude, which resulted i.. 2021. 12. 24. PHAK Chapter 6-16 Slotted Flap Slotted Flap The most popular flap on aircraft today is the slotted flap. Variations of this design are used for small aircraft, as well as for large ones. Slotted flaps increase the lift coefficient significantly more than plain or split flaps. On small aircraft, the hinge is located below the lower surface of the flap, and when the flap is lowered, a duct forms between the flap well in the win.. 2021. 8. 16. PHAK Chapter 6-12 Canard Canard The canard design utilizes the concept of two lifting surfaces. The canard functions as a horizontal stabilizer located in front of the main wings. In effect, the canard is an airfoil similar to the horizontal surface on a conventional aft-tail design. The difference is that the canard actually creates lift and holds the nose up, as opposed to the aft-tail design which exerts downward for.. 2021. 8. 12. AFH Chapter 4-7 Performing the Slow Flight Maneuver Performing the Slow Flight Maneuver Slow flight should be practiced in straight-and-level flight, straight-ahead climbs and climbing medium-banked (approximately 20 degrees) turns, and straight-ahead poweroff gliding descents and descending turns to represent the takeoff and landing phases of flight. Slow flight training should include slowing the airplane smoothly and promptly from cruising to .. 2021. 7. 26. AFH Chapter 4 - 2 Defining an Airplane Upset AFH Chapter 4 Defining an Airplane Upset The term “upset” was formally introduced by an industry work group in 2004 in the “Pilot Guide to Airplane Upset Recovery,” which is one part of the “Airplane Upset Recovery Training Aid.” The working group was primarily focused on large transport airplanes and sought to come up with one term to describe an “unusual attitude” or “loss of control,” for exa.. 2021. 7. 21. 이전 1 다음 반응형