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PHAK Chapter 7-1 Reciprocating Engines Chapter 7 Aircraft Systems Introduction This chapter covers the primary systems found on most aircraft. These include the engine, propeller, induction, ignition, as well as the fuel, lubrication, cooling, electrical, landing gear, and environmental control systems. Powerplant An aircraft engine, or powerplant, produces thrust to propel an aircraft. Reciprocating engines and turboprop engines wor.. 2022. 5. 12.
AFH Chapter 4-20 Cross Control Stall Cross-Control Stall The objective of the cross-control stall demonstration is to show the effects of uncoordinated flight on stall behavior and to emphasize the importance of maintaining coordinated flight while making turns. This is a demonstration-only maneuver; only flight instructor applicants may be required to perform it on a practical test. However, all pilots should be familiar with the .. 2022. 5. 11.
EPTA 표준교재 Part 1 Task B 연습문제 B 교재 46페이지 Situation 1 상황 1 전체 듣기 HL123 was cleared for ILS runway 07 approach. They were on a final approach segment before the decision altitude. At minimum, the runway was not in sight and the crew executed a go around procedure and decided to plan for another approach at the same runway. They requested radar vectors for another approach, but the controller informed them that the weather has de.. 2022. 5. 9.
2022 근로장려금 신청 조건, 소득별 예상 금액, 신청 방법 초간단 정리 5월은 근로자와 관련이 많은 달입니다. 5월 1일은 근로자의 날이고, 이날부터 많은 분들이 기다리시던 근로 장려금을 신청할 수 있는데요. 2022년도 근로 장려금을 신청하는 방법에 대해 궁금해 하시는 분들이 많아 최대한 간단하게 알아보는 시간을 가져 보겠습니다. 근로장려금의 취지와 목적 근로 장려금은 일을 열심히 하고 있지만 수입이 생각만큼 나오지 않는 사람들에게 올해 남은 기간과 내년에도 일할맛이 나도록 격려해 주는 제도입니다. 요즘 많은 20~30대 성인들이 일을 해서 버는 수입보다 실업수당이 더 높아서 일을 그만두는 경우가 많은데, 그런 현상을 조금이라도 막아주기 위한 제도라고 보시면 되겠습니다. 신청대상은 아래의 수입 범주에 들어가는 분들입니다. 근로소득, 사업소득, 종교인 소득, 배당, 연금소득.. 2022. 4. 29.
EPTA 표준교재 Part 1 Task B 연습문제 A 44페이지 연습문제 A: Listen to six audio clips regarding RT situations and complete each of the dialogues with the information that you heard. The first line of each audio clip is given for you. Audio clip 1 전체음원 듣기 문장별 음원 들으면서 발음 연습하기 HL123 is cleared to taxi to the holding position of runway 07. While taxiing, the controller asks HL123 to take off at the intersection of runway 07 via Bravo 3 due to t.. 2022. 3. 1.
EPTA 표준교재 Part 1 Task B 예제풀이 EPTA 표준교재 36 ~ 42 페이지 During an enroute phase of the flight, ATC is giving you holding instructions for time separation. Now ATC contacts you, respond accordingly. ATC: HL123, hold over Doosan VOR as published, expect further clearance at 20 You are holding short of runway 09. Acknowledge what you hear. ATC: HL123, behind the landing traffic, runway 09, line up and wait. During climb, you are ap.. 2022. 2. 24.
AFH Chapter 4-19 Accelerated Stalls Accelerated Stalls The objectives of demonstrating an accelerated stall are to determine the stall characteristics of the airplane, experience stalls at speeds greater than the +1G stall speed, and develop the ability to instinctively recover at the onset of such stalls. This is a maneuver only commercial pilot and flight instructor applicants may be required to perform or demonstrate on a pract.. 2021. 12. 30.
AFH Chapter 4-18 Full Stalls, Power-On Full Stalls, Power-On Power-on stall recoveries are practiced from straight climbs and climbing turns (15° to 20° bank) to help the pilot recognize the potential for an accidental stall during takeoff, go around, climb, or when trying to clear an obstacle. Airplanes equipped with flaps or retractable landing gear should normally be in the takeoff configuration; however, power-on stalls should al.. 2021. 12. 29.
AFH Chpater 4-17 Full Stalls, Power-Off Full Stalls, Power-Off The practice of power-off stalls is usually performed with normal landing approach conditions to simulate an accidental stall occurring during approach to landing. However, power-off stalls should be practiced at all flap settings to ensure familiarity with handling arising from mechanical failures, icing, or other abnormal situations. Airspeed in excess of the normal appr.. 2021. 12. 28.