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롤플레이 훈련유닛 3 Weather Conditions [Exercise 3.1] Unit 3 Weather Conditions ExerciseⅢ 전체 대화를 들으며 내용 파악하기 문장별 분할 음원을 들으며 쉐도잉 연습하기 HL123 Center, HL123, request climb FL380 and offset 20 miles right of track, due to weather ATC HL123, center, FL380 is already occupied, 20 miles right of track approved HL123 Then request offset 40 miles right of track, HL123 ATC Confirm 40 miles? HL123 Affirm, 40 miles right of track. The typhoon core is to our lef.. 2022. 9. 28.
롤플레이 훈련유닛 3 Weather Conditions [Exercise 2] Unit 3 Weather Conditions ExerciseⅡ 전체 음원 들으며 내용 파악하기 문장별 쉐도잉 연습 1) ATC HL123, hold over the ABC VOR as published, descend and maintain 7000 during hold. EFC time 0100 HL123 Request to hold at current altitude. We cannot hold in icing conditions for too long, HL123 2) HL123 Approach, HL123, we are picking up medium icing at this altitude. ATC HL123, roger, say your intentions 3) ATC HL123, appro.. 2022. 9. 28.
롤플레이 훈련유닛 3 Weather Conditions [Exercise 1] Unit 3 Weather Conditions ExerciseⅠ 먼저 전체 음원을 들으며 내용 파악하세요. 그리고 문장별 음원을 들으며 쉐도잉 연습을 하세요. HL123 Tower, HL123, 6 miles final, runway 32 right. Tower HL123, tower, caution windshear 20 knots airspeed gain on final, wind 320 at 20 knots gust 30 knots, cleared to land, runway 32 right. HL123 Roger, cleared to land, runway 32 right, HL123. HL123 Tower, HL123, going around. Tower HL123, roger, follow m.. 2022. 9. 27.
롤플레이 훈련유닛 2 Operational Issues [Exercise 3] Operational Issues ExerciseⅢ 전체 대화를 먼저 듣고 내용을 파악해 보세요. 그리고 문장별 파일을 여러번 반복해서 따라 읽으면서 연습하세요. HL123 Control, HL123, we have a problem with a passenger. We're looking for a diversion for immediate arrival. ATC HL123, control, confirm you're requesting to divert? HL123 Affirm. That's correct, HL123 ATC HL123, expect а visual approach for runway 09, Wind 220 at 9 knots. HL123 Expecting visual approach.. 2022. 9. 26.
롤플레이 훈련유닛 2 Operational Issues [Exercise 2] Operational Issues ExerciseⅡ 전체 음원 듣기 1) HL123 Tower, HL123. We are on ILS approach runway 31 with information Mike. Confirm if emergency services are ready for us. ATC HL123, Northern Tower, Roger. I understand you have a fire. Wind calm, cleared to land runway 31. Emergency services are standing by near the runway. 2) HL123 Tower, HL123, My flight attendants deployed a fire extinguisher in an .. 2022. 9. 26.
롤플레이 훈련유닛 2 Operational Issues [Exercise 1] Operational Issues ExerciseⅠ 전체 대화를 먼저 듣고 내용을 파악해 보세요. 그런 후에, 문장별 음원을 따라 읽으며 발음과 억양 연습을 해보세요. OZ23 Tower, OZ23. We are ready to taxi. ATC OZ23, Tower. Hold your position. I will call you back. HL091 Tower, HL091. Request pushback and start-up at gate 23. ATC HL091, Tower, standby. I will get back to you. CB127 Tower, CB127. We're not ready for pushback, but is there some expected delay for us, t.. 2022. 9. 26.
롤플레이 훈련유닛 1 On the Ground [Exercise 4] 4.1 Listen to the radiotelophony dialogue between a pilot of HL123 and an air traffic controller of Tower. Exercise Ⅳ 전체 대화를 듣고 내용을 파악한 후, 문장별 음원을 들으며 따라읽기 연습을 해 보세요. ATC HL123, what is your stand number? HL123 Our stand number is 203 in concourse A, HL123. HL123 Tower, HL123, there are two lead-in lines on the apron. Tell me which line to follow. ATC HL123, Tower, keep to the right-hand side. T.. 2022. 9. 25.
롤플레이 훈련유닛 1 On the Ground [Exercise 3] 3.1 Listen to the radiotelephony dialogue between a pilot of HL123 and an air traffic controller of Tower. Exercise III 전체 대화를 듣고 내용을 파악한 후, 문장별 음원을 들으며 쉐도잉 연습을 해 보세요. HL123 Tower, HL123, ready for departure. ATC HL123, behind the Boeing 777 on short final, line up and wait, runway 32 right, behind. HL123 Tower, HL123, request to hold for 2 minutes on the runway before departure. ATC HL123, Towe.. 2022. 9. 25.
롤플레이 훈련유닛 1 On the Ground [Exercise 2] 2.2 Listen to short RT dialogues and fill in the blanks with appropriate words or phrases. 전체 음원을 듣고 교재에 있는 문제를 받아쓰기 한 후 문장별 음원을 들으면서 쉐도잉 연습을 해보세요. 1) Pilot: Control, HL123, we are going to make CAT2 Approach. Check if the groud facility operate normally. ATC: HL123, approved as requested, all ground equipment operations normal. 2) Pilot: We are conducting an auto land for CAT2, HL123. ATC: HL12.. 2022. 9. 25.