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AFH Chapter 2-3 Visual Preflight Assessment Visual Preflight Assessment The inspection should start with the cabin door. If the door is hard to open or close, does not fit snugly, or the door latches do not engage or disengage smoothly, the surrounding structure, such as the doorpost, should be inspected for misalignment, which could indicate structural damage. The visual preflight inspection should continue to the interior of the cabin o.. 2023. 10. 19.
AFH Chapter 1-9 Use of Checklists Use of Checklists Checklists have been the foundation of pilot standardization and flight deck safety for years. [Figure 1-16] The checklist is a memory aid and helps to ensure that critical items necessary for the safe operation of aircraft are not overlooked or forgotten. Checklists need not be “do lists.” In other words, the proper actions can be accomplished, and then the checklist used to q.. 2023. 6. 13.
AFH Chapter 1-8 Runway Incursion Avoidance Runway Incursion Avoidance A runway incursion is any occurrence at an airport involving an aircraft, vehicle, person, or object on the ground that creates a collision hazard or results in a loss of separation with an aircraft taking off, landing, or intending to land. The three major areas contributing to runway incursions are communications, airport knowledge, and flight deck procedures for mai.. 2023. 6. 11.
AFH Chapter 1-7 Safety Considerations Safety Considerations In the interest of safety and good habit pattern formation, there are certain basic flight safety practices and procedures that should be emphasized by the flight instructor, and adhered to by both instructor and learner, beginning with the very first dual instruction flight. These include, but are not limited to, collision avoidance procedures including proper scanning tec.. 2023. 5. 29.
AFH Chapter 1-6 Airman Certification Standards (ACS) and Practical Test Standards (PTS) Airman Certification Standards (ACS) and Practical Test Standards (PTS) Practical tests for FAA pilot certificates and associated ratings are administered by FAA inspectors and DPEs using FAA Airman Certification Standards (ACS) and Practical Test Standards (PTS), which contain structured areas of operation, tasks, and standards. [Figure 1-9] 14 CFR part 61, section 61.43 specifies that the prac.. 2023. 5. 29.
AFH Chapter 1-5 Sources of Flight Training Sources of Flight Training The major sources of flight training in the United States include FAA-approved pilot schools and training centers, non-certificated (14 CFR part 61) flying schools, and independent flight instructors. FAA-approved schools are those flight schools certificated by the FAA as pilot schools under 14 CFR part 141. [Figure 1-8] Application for part 141 certification is volun.. 2023. 5. 29.
AFH Chapter 1-4 Role of the Flight Instructor Role of the Flight Instructor The flight instructor is the cornerstone of aviation safety. The FAA has adopted an operational training concept that places the full responsibility for pilot training on the flight instructor. In this role, the instructor assumes the total responsibility for providing training in all the knowledge areas and skills necessary for pilots to operate safely and competen.. 2023. 5. 28.
AFH Chapter 1-2 Role of the FAA Role of the FAA The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is empowered by the U.S. Congress to promote aviation safety by prescribing safety standards for civil aviation. Standards are established for the certification of airmen and aircraft, as well as outlining operating rules. This is accomplished through the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), formerly referred to as Federal Aviation Regulati.. 2023. 5. 26.
AFH Chapter 1-1 Introduction Airplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3C) Chapter 1: Introduction to Flight Training Introduction The overall purpose of primary and intermediate flight training, as outlined in this handbook, is the acquisition and honing of basic airmanship skills. [Figure 1-1] Airmanship is a broad term that includes a sound knowledge of and experience with the principles of flight; the knowledge, experience, .. 2023. 5. 25.